This Week Has Been Rough Already...

Okay, so a lot has been going on in my life recently. To add to the mix of craziness, my grandmother has been having some... issues.

Monday, we met the ambulance at the hospital. My grandmother needed x-rays on her leg. Long story short, a long time ago, she was involved in a major car accident. From the waist down, she pretty much nothing but metal, and she was afraid that something had come apart. Luckily, nothing had.

When she came back from getting an x-ray, my mom explained to her that she'd have to go back to rehab and get her strength back. Of course, she broke down in tears.

We took her home, and the next morning (Tuesday morning) my mom's freaking out because my grandmother won't answer her phone, or answer her door. Come to find out, she had tried to commit suicide by taking every damn pill she had. I mean, she wasn't playing. Hell, she even left a note!

I stayed home with my brother while my mom and step-dad drove to meet the ambulance at the hospital, yet again. My mom was at the hospital until after seven that night. All she's been able to do is cry whenever she talks about it, and I feel really bad. I don't think there's any making this better. Underneath the tears, I know my mom is pissed. My grandmother is really selfish. I mean, she was willing to take her life just so she didn't have to go to rehab. What the fuck?

Anyway. That's been my week so far. I'm scared to see what the rest of my week has in store. It is only Wednesday..
May 8th, 2014 at 12:17am