Any Rooster Teeth Fans out Here?

Hey there!

So, I just wanted to promote an event that will be happening later this year in New Zealand.
If you're a fan of Rooster Teeth, you'll remember the 25 hour live-stream that they did for the Extra Life charity.
Well, I'm proud to announce on Mibba (unless someone else has already done it) that a group community of Rooster Teeth fans in New Zealand are doing a livestream just like that. It's called the Kiwi-cast, run by the Rooster Sheep group, and it will stream from the 11th of July at noon until the 12th of July, ending at noon, NZ time.
We're fundraising for YouthLine, a phone-line that provides support for kids or youths having a tough time or just giving them someone to talk to. I think it's a really great cause to support, and it would be amazing if lots of other people did support us.
We're going to be accepting donations to give to Youthline whilst the event is running, and also giving out prizes during the livestream!
You can stay up-to-date on our website; Kiwi-cast.
On the website, you can also check out a short list of some of the team members, which includes yours truly, see the sponsors that are kindly helping us to run this event, and the live-stream schedule.
We're hoping to make this an annual event, and any help would be appreciated. I know it's not for a month or two, but I'm really excited to be a part of this event, and I hope you will help us to make it successful.

Thank you very much!
May 12th, 2014 at 02:46pm