Allow Me to Introduce Myself, My Real Name Is Shannon, and I Have Asperger Syndrome

Hi. Whether you care or not, here's my story;

I was diagnosed as autistic when I was five. My folks thought I was deaf due to me not speaking at all during that time. But that's somewhat irrelevant.

I've been harassed by bullies throughout all of my school years because of how strange I was, I took phrases literally, I had a weird advanced vocabulary, I played strange games and obsessed with "insignificant" subjects. I was also extremely socially awkward, my goodie two shoes way of living didn't really help either. I've always had bad communication skills and insisted on my routines to be exactly done, otherwise I'd have a meltdown, in fact, a lot of different things cause me to have a meltdown. And it sucks because everybody thinks your some freakazoid. I've always been kinda out of touch with reality, stuck in my own thoughts, on my own little planet, basically, just because I can't read subtlety and don't have a strong ability to empathize (this doesn't mean I don't feel sympathy btw).

But the big thing is, I feel isolated all the time, especially when I'm around people. Every Aspie on this planet knows how that feels.
I'm now 20 years old, a born again Christian, and want to prosper in my life. All of the bitterness and misery I've ever felt was all my own fault because I've let things get to me instead of doing something about it, and that itself isn't necessarily an Asperger trait. If I'm gonna go out there into the big scary world, I have to make an effort to take that first step out the iron door, no matter how I try to drag myself back into the shadows.

Anyway, thank you taking the time out of your day to listen to me. I'm really sorry if some of the things I said were off putting, I have a tendency to that.

May 19th, 2014 at 11:48am