Living Together Before Marriage

Do a lot of people still believe it's immoral to live together before marriage?

My parents do. And, as a matter of fact, part the reason my brother and his wife rushed into marriage was because her father was threatening to practically disown her if she lived with a man she wasn't married to. My parents have never had THAT big a problem with it, but they did say that they "weren't thrilled" about it (though they admit it turned out all right).

I guess I've never understood that. I mean, for some it's a matter of temptation to premarital sex. And if you don't believe in that, that's fine. But who says you have to have sex if you're living together?

Personally, I'm GLAD my husband and I lived together before marriage. And not just for a couple months--we're talking four years.

I guess I don't understand how you can marry someone and commit to spending your life with them--including living space--if you have no idea what it's like to live with them. It's unimaginable to me. You can date someone for years and still not know what it's really like to live with them. I think it's pretty beneficial to understand someone on that level before making that kind of commitment. I almost want to say "Maybe there would be fewer divorces if more people knew what they were getting into before marriage," but I don't know the statistics to back that up, so.


The last time I posted was the day before my wedding, so that would've been six days ago. I'm going to post again, a very LONG post about the wedding and honeymoon, within the next few days. For the time being, though, I'm holding off--at least until I get my wedding pictures. =)
May 21st, 2014 at 11:16pm