Eaten Too Much + Hockey Slash Recs?

Good afternoon :)

So I ate too much for lunch again. My team at work always go out for lunch together on a Friday - today was a brilliant chinese take-out shop in Monument, London, called Deli Mama. Cheap, cheerful, but good food. It's actually one of the only places I like tofu from, and today I got the tofu with vegetable noodles. But then I had, like, 4 brownies on top of that, and I'm SO full.

I always bloat to an uncomfortable level after eating. I have done for about a year now, to the point where it hurts to walk. I know a lot of people bloat, but it actually hurts. Doctors are unhelpful lol so I just have to watch my portion sizes - obviously I didn't today.

Ah well! I'd rather eat than go hungry :)

On a lighter note, does anyone know of any good NHL slash fics? I was introduced to them by Captain Serious, and her fantastic Eric Staal/Jeff Skinner fic 'Life on Life's Terms', and I've searched ever since to find one as good as that. So does anyone feel like reccing me some? I'll read any pairing :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
May 23rd, 2014 at 03:35pm