Trying to Get Back in the Groove...

Alright, you may have noticed how my account has been oddly in active for quite a while. I haven't uploaded any blogs, poems, stories, or anything for a few months.
This is mainly because of this huge writers block I've been in, and also because my laptop broke and my mobile telephone hates everything about me, but mainly the writers block.
And as so, I'm trying to start writing again. I think I used up all my writing mojo when writing a story a few months back, but I can feel it coming back.
My writing mojo is coming back.
Right now, as I write this, I stare at a blank word document. And it stares back, enchanted by my luscious looks and dazzling smile.
While in writer rehab, I'll be reading books again, writing a butt tone of new stories that I have no intention of finishing and painting myself orange, all to prepare myself before finally writing something.
So, by the end of this week, there will probably be some new fantabulous story up for you all to indulge on.

May 23rd, 2014 at 07:16pm