Why I Am Kind of Grateful That I Didn't Grow up Very Pretty.

Okay, I've always been tall for a female, right now at 20 years old I am 5'9, so my skull is slightly bigger than average. I have thick curly hair too. Because of my thick hair I have thick eyebrows, and because all of the cute girls at school had thin eyebrows when I was younger, I over plucked them and now they are far apart from each other. I've also suffered from acne since I was 10, and I have slightly crooked teeth and some fatness on my face. None of these traits are extreme, but are enough to notice.

I've had two boyfriends in middle school, none since then. They both were the kind of boyfriends that you have when you're first starting out and it's all like "will you go out with me?" And then your all all like "okay" just because you want to have a bf just like all your friends.

But anyway, people have always told me and implied to me that I am not very physically attractive in the face.My big butt as well as breasts didn't seem to fix anything lol. And in not exaggerating either, people would often come up and tell me how really big and round my butt is lol.

But I'm actually kind of glad I didn't really look that great my whole life, because I know now that all of the people that I've loved and have loved me my whole life, close friends, family, loved me for who I am and not so much for my looks. With a few people I know, they were very attractive while they were young and now they're not that attractive personality wise as well as with looks. They were narccisists before and now they have major love and relationship issues that make you really scoff and roll your eyes.

With the true love I meet in my life, I know he's likely to be in it for the long haul if he had the heart enough to take me as I am. And I know that I'll get out of this awkward thing later in life if I take good care of myself. I know very well that I have good eyes, nose and lips too.

Seriously, go google how important eyebrows are to beauty, it'll surprise you.
May 28th, 2014 at 04:00am