My Million Dollar Idea (Business) + Questions

I'm not gonna lie, I almost failed you guys today but I had to come on here and keep my promise.

Initially I wanted to start a business because let's face it, that's how you get rich in America. My initial idea was to come up with a hair product line using all natural ingredients. I made myself a test dummy in testing different oils and butters in my hair to see how they reacted. Some were hits while others were misses. But with the lack of test dummies and the lack of finding the confidence to reach out to potential test dummies, I temporarily suspended the idea and in place of it came a new idea. However this new idea (although, seemingly a good one) required extended research, skill development, and funding. All of which I don't have. I'm more of a here and now person with a mix of future development therefore the grass wasn't looking too green with that one, so the idea remains a simmering one.

However, I had somewhat of an slowly building epiphany. With extended research, I began to realize that almost every medical problem can be solved with food and/or natural remedies. This includes diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure and even cancer. Not only can if fix such internal medical issues but also external such as psoriasis, eczema, skin cancer, vision impairment, fatigue, and the list goes on. Not only did I find out about medical and body treatments that were all natural, I found out that these simple natural ingredients can also improve health and beauty. Even from me using Shea butter on my legs everyday for a week greatly improved the look and feel of my legs. My legs felt unbelievably soft and didn't have that pasty look to them that I would sometimes get. I also realized that using black soap everyday (a natural African soap) improved the look and feel of my skin and hair, and also helped in almost eliminating my minor acne and occasional pimples. And the icing on the cake was when I would shave my pubic area (we're all mature here, right) I would frequently get boils and skin irritation afterwards. But then I decided to put tea tree oil on as an after shave and there was no irritation, or boils. I also used it on my underarms and there was no irritation at all.

There are so many other topical things I used to increase the health and beauty of myself that buying products that were filled with water and things I couldn't pronounce became a thing of the past. Even some internal remedies saved me a bunch of money, right down to preventing pregnancy (yes, preventing pregnancy).

So, because of all this research and enlightenment, I have decided to revisit the hair product idea and include with it hair, skin, and internal and external body. I will make myself a test dummy and come up with numerous natural recipes for total body health and beauty.

1. Does this seem like a good ides?
2. Do you use mostly natural products?
3. Do you have a healthy lifestyle?
4. Would you like to live a healthy lifestyle?
May 29th, 2014 at 03:13am