Super Power?

This is a very difficult question. There is always the enticing invisibility . That is a cliche' So i devuldge on the idea of that. I would want something that could help people. Animal transformation sounds good. Although the power to alter peoples mind and way of thinking would be good too. Kind of dark and sadistic, that's me though.
I would say my final decision would come down to the people i cared about most at that moment in time. How i was feeling. Maybe even what i was thinking about.
The thing i would be most worried about was misusing it. Using it for evil in general would be a bad thing. So i might just want to be around for the rest of time. So i think i choose *drum roll* IMMORTALITY !!! *BA-DAAAA* Not very exciting but i would get to see the world and all the people of it.
I would love and lose love. i would have to learn to distance myself from everyone i come into contact with. Learn to work from a distance in bettering humanity.

Thank you for reading! T. Edwards.
May 30th, 2014 at 02:34pm