I Got Hypnotized Today...For Real // Mibbians, Help, Please?

Let's start from the beginning, okay? Cause it's really fucking confusing for me, since I was the one hypnotized. I will probably add the video Vicen filmed of it all. Shit, man, I mean, it was... strange. I still feel strange.

So we were all in Debod. You know, big park, every scene/metal/pop punk/punk kid goes there and everything in between. And I was dying a strand of my hair blue because, well, why the fuck not? And suddenly I see a guy in a fucking XIV Century completely black suit. Petticoat and shit, or whatever it's called. With. A. Tophat.

Of course, I'm fucking crazy so I go ahead and tell him his dressing style is ultimately unique. Obviously with a posh voice. He looks at me, tips his hat, grabs my hand and tells me that I must be very brave for dying my hair right there. We took some pictures with him because we're us and we're stupid, and then I had to wash that hair strand and dry it.

Came out awesome, by the way, I'm happy as fuck. When I come back everyone's dancing Fall Out Boy in the middle of the park until XIV Century boy makes his way to me and tells me my hair looks great. I accept his compliment with an old fashioned lady bow and he then cocks his head to the right and lifts his hand to grasp something behind my ear. It's a fucking coin.

I stare at him, dumbly, I might add, and then I'm a genius.

"You're a magician."

Great, Bea, really, fucking A.

And then he says, "Indeed, I am what they call a magician. But an illusionist is more of my liking."

Then he starts doing all these tricks. And since I'm a fan of watching magic, I think 'psh, this guy's gonna be this noob who does all the usual tricks.'

Oh. My. Fucking. GOD.

He's a fucking genius, guys. A genius, I tell you. He did everything so smoothly, his hands going so quick and his eyes always on mine or someone from the group. He looked at you in the eyes all the time.

Now, he was done with the shapes tricks, and the card tricks, and the coin tricks. He looks at me and then grins - this little smug grin that makes me narrow my eyes because I don't fucking know what the hell he's gonna do now.

"Have you ever been hypnotized?"

I shake my head, completely patronizing him because come on! Hypnosis? Really?

"No, I haven't."

"Would you like to?"

"Why not?"

So he pulls me away from the group. He's grasping my wrist and his hand is warm and it's strange cause it's not clammy, and it's not really cold outside but it's still comforting. I think 'Well, now he's gonna tell me to play along.'

But no.

He doesn't tell the others to back away, okay? And suddenly his hand is on my chin and he's making me face upwards because I always look at my feet cause I do, okay? And his eyes are in mine.

"I am going to hynotize you," he says.

Honestly, he says a whole bunch of things about instructions. He's going to give me a pulling signal, and I have to let myself be limp and close my eyes. He says he'll catch me. I joke about weighting a tone and he just shakes his head.

"Do you trust me?"

His hand is on mine. Not like, 'hand-over-hand-let's-trust-each-other style, no. No fingers entwined, either. The gap between our index and thumb are touching. And this is when I feel what I call the shiver. I get this shiver that goes down my damn spine and his eyes are on me and all of a fucking sudden... I trust him!

Like, holy fucking fuck.

No, wait, I know this sounds stupid but his eyes are this shade of brown, really dark. I couldn't tell his pupil from his iris, but they're warm and they reminded me (please, I'm a poet, let me be) of going right out of the shower and feeling clean and warm and relieved. Then the shiver is gone and he's squeezing my hand.

"Yeah," I say, and I mean it.

"Okay, then let me remind you that-"

He cuts himself off by pulling on my arm. Then - black. I wake up and I'm on the grass. For some reason I'm thinking of Belgium, of Keely's house and things I didn't really remember. The magician and my friends are around me, all watching me expectantly. I frown and sit up but -- listenlistenlisten -- I can't fucking flex my left arm. I frown deeper and try to move my arm - nothing. It stiffens.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask him, and he's grinning. And for some reason I feel like grinning too cause he's got that kind of smile, dudes.

He tells me to stand and try to move my arm. I can't. He grasps my hand again and the shiver goes on again. He snaps his fingers and when I wake up I can move it again. I was on the floor again. I'm thinking of Belgium again.

He does the same process. This time, when I wake up he tells me to count a group of people. And I didn't realize it at the moment but he's made me forget the number three. Fucking number three. How do you forget to count with three!? It's the most fucking common number of all!

He snaps his fingers, there's black, there's Keely again with baby Bandit. I wake up and he tells me we're done. I'm shivering and it's not cold. I'm shivering so hard, but I'm wondering what the hell happened.

He tells me the shivering was one possible consequence. So he places himself behind me and points at a tree.

"See that tree?"


"Do you recognize it?"




He has snapped his fingers and I black out. I'm in the math closet again in seventh grade. And it's black, and it's cold and I'm alone and I can't help but choke. When I wake up he's helping me up. And then he tells me he wants to talk to me.

We sit alone on a bench.

"You've got childhood issues, right?"

"That was easy to guess," I scoff because he's trying to figure me out and he's stated the obvious.

"What about the 32 lines on the inside of your left arm?"

They're faded. You can't see them unless you pull on the skin and narrow your eyes. I have fucking half sleeves, he can't even see that well, for fuck's sake. And he counted the deep ones. I have 58, and he said 32. The 32 that truly counted when they happened.

"How did you know?"

"I'm an illusionist, a magician, and a mentalist."

"But you knew exact number, how?"

"Your eyes say it all."

He gave me this inspirational speech that was basically the same bullshit but with a different tone. And different eyes. And my heart was beating slow but hard and I'm still feeling that way.

He speaks like a true poet. He's fucking fluent in English. Like. Fuck, he's great. He's very impressive. We talked for a long while, like 45 minutes or an hour, I don't know, could have been more or maybe less. He told me things about myself I didn't even know. He told me things I had never told anyone. He knew me from just looking at me, and I really was impressed.

Then he spoke like a 19 year old boy who used to watch magic shows when he was 10 and that's when his eyes turned around. I could see him just as he could see me.

We bid goodbye later on. Jesus (my friend, I swear his name is Jesus, okay?) and Joseph were waiting for me. He gave me his number and told me if I needed anything, to call him.

I'm so calm. Like, more than I've ever been. It's like being with Keely but with a weird lung condition. I feel like my lungs are too full and my breaths too shallow. I'm pretty sure the contents in my stomach made of liquid have turned to gas and are trying to break through my throat. I feel so fucking weird, it's so strange, I swear.

Have you ever been hypnotized? Is this how it feels like afterwards?
May 31st, 2014 at 01:37am