A Traveling Mind...

Traveling is my passion. I love visiting far away places and getting away from Oklahoma. I'm visiting my parents in England next spring and New York City with my best friend next fall. It's so far away, but I can't stop thinking about it. My body may be here, but my heart, mind, and spirit are so far away. They're not even in the same time zone, which may explain why I can't sleep sometimes.

I don't get out much. Pretty much never. I work and go home. Or I go to my sister's house. Although there really isn't too much to do here, there are things I could do to get out more often, I know. But knowing that there is so much more out there. Much more amazing things to see and experience, Oklahoma really can't compare. Here, you can take a day trip to Texas. In England, you can take a day trip to France! I have been incredibly blessed to see the world as I have.

I've been to England, France, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, and Italy. I cannot wait to experience their beautiful wonder again. When I'm here, I feel like I'm just biding time until my next adventure, waiting not-so-patiently until I can get out again.
May 31st, 2014 at 06:15am