Strange Things That I Find Attractive

I have written over 2000 words today. That's more than I have done in the past 2 months. I am proud! Anyway, going to mention some weird things that I find super attractive in guys.

Big hands/long fingers
Just look at those long fingers. I don't even know why, but ever since a while back I have though that big hands and long fingers are super attractive on guys. I mean, just imagine what those fingers could do. No, but honestly, it's kind of manly and I find it sexy.

A big adam's apple?
It's so manly. I think I'm into manly features in men? I don't even know, but a big adam's apple on guys is very, very sexy.

The v-line
Yup, that's hot. Especially when the pants are hanging low and you can see the line clear. It's just ... sexy.

The hair below the belly button?
I don't even know what to call it, but the small kind of line of hair that goes down from the belly button. It has to be just a little, not too much. But if a guy has a little hair there it's amazingly sexy.

Long, slim legs
I don't think you can classify this as very manly, but it's still attractive. It's much more attractive for a guy to have slim legs than having muscular legs, in my opinion. Guys in skinny jeans is hot, and if you have these muscular, well built thighs you won't fit good in a pair of skinny jeans.

Nice teeth
I probably like that just because my own fucking teeth are ugly. No, but perfect teeth is very attractive. But the teeth doesn't have to be perfect. I can think it's super attractive when guys don't have "perfect" teeth. Like Niall before his braces.

His teeth isn't "perfect" there but that kind of makes him attractive? So both having perfect teeth and having not perfect teeth is very attractive. It makes no sense, but..

Maybe I should do a list of turn off's next time, haha.
June 1st, 2014 at 01:26am