"One Day Someone Will Hug You so Tight That All Your Broken Pieces Will Fit Together Again"

So i keep seeing this thing on social networks, right? Its supposed to be an uplifting motivational picture edit but, in my opinion, it couldn't be less inspiring.

"Someday someone will hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will fit together"

This wouldn't make me angry, if it wasn't possibly the laziest excuse for recovery that I've ever heard- be it from alcoholism, drugs, cutting or just plain emotions.
I mean, first of all it is basically telling god knows how many young impressionable people that they are not responsible for their own well being.

Do they (whoever posted this originally) realise how dangerous that is?
Lets put this into perspective: say your dangling off a cliff inches from death, and you don't quite have the strength to pull yourself up and you've just about given up hope. Then, someone comes along and sees you're struggling and pulls you up.

Instead of making yourself stronger to make sure you can pull yourself up, you just coast by because this knight in shining armour has saved you and you don't have to struggle anymore.
Then something happens and youre on the cliff again, and okay this person is there with you, and helps you again.
You survived and got to live happily ever after.

But someday, that person is not going to be there. Thats the harsh reality: people aren't 100% reliable. That's the way it is, and it's not necessarily a problem, so much as a frustrating truth and you're going to find yourself on that cliff again, and you're not going to be able to pull yourself back up.

What messages and edits like these need to get across is that it's okay to need a little help sometimes, but you need to be able to deal with things yourself because in the end that is the only constant.

Okay, I've been there. I thought that because this person was there, I'd be better. I was, for a while. I never stopped and thought that maybe they weren't as reliable as i thought and that's my fault.
But once i realised that i was my own person, and i had to be responsible for myself, i turned it around.

It took, and is still taking, a long time for me to be this content- and i say that because sometimes content is the best you get, but it sure as hell beats the alternative.
Sure, some times things suck and all you want to do is lay in bed and cry, and think 'if only there was someone to help me' and that's okay. That's only to be expected.
And hey, it's sometimes nice to let someone else help out, and to let go of all your worries and responsibilities and just make it someone else's job. That's fine too, but just bear in mind it is important to have a sense of self worth independent from anyone else.

I really don't know what the point of this was but what I'm trying to say is don't ever let someone else define you, and make sure that you can stand on your own two feet before leaving it up to someone else.
June 1st, 2014 at 12:16pm