News & Story Updates.

Hello to all my Readers!

I'm so sorry I've been so absent lately when it comes to posting and figured I'd write this to let you know why that is as well as to let you know what is coming up in the future. :)

So at the beginning of May I moved to the East Coast to get married and live with my husband. :) Between getting used to married life, having a place that is practically our own and being away from home for the first time in my life--I've been pretty swamped. Meaning two things, writing hasn't been that easy since I've been out here and I now have to come up with some sort of schedule to better manage my time. Because of housework and the fact that my husband is a YouTuber, computer time is kind've rare at the moment (mostly I get the mornings when he is at work which is probably when chapters will go up now.)

Since he's got a bit of a monopoly on the computer, I will be using downtime during the evening to try and write hard copy style, but sometimes it doesn't flow as well that way for me. He is working on getting himself a steady schedule going with his recording and editing processes and I will be trying to do the same with my writing to be able to post regularly for you guys. Also in general I just want to push myself harder when it comes to writing--I've been on and off this site and even Quizilla back in the day with stories that have either been lost or never finished. I've been on a roll this time around, especially with Frost & Flame, so I want to keep at it. I'd also like to try and transition into writing original fiction, but that's a whole other thing.

So hopefully when I figure out how to make our schedules work together I will post another blog to let you folks know how that's going to go. As for other news: I recently got my chest piece started (squee!!!) so that still needs a couple more sessions. I'm also starting DDP yoga with my husband to get into better shape, but hopefully that won't deter my writing--I'm hoping it gives me more energy in fact. Things might be slow at first because I'm trying to do some studying so I can get my GED and go back to school by the end of the year and that's my first priority as well as looking for a job--so if things do slow down I will still try and keep the updates pretty regular for you all. :)

Story wise what's coming up is: a sequel to White as Winter !!! I definitely got a lot of feedback for that one to be continued and already have the loose plot outline drawn up and have begun working on some chapters. Now as I did with my Loki story, I will be waiting to pile up at least the first five chapters before I post on that for two reasons--one, because I like being ahead of you guys so I can keep to my plot and not just rush through like I have in the past because I want feedback; two, because if I fall behind on writing for any reason I will still have at least one-two updates for you guys.

Behind Your Eyes is on my USB, so when I do have computer time I will be working on getting that updated as a can. Again, I'd like to be a few chapters ahead of you guys so I can have some prepped in case I can't write. So hopefully sometime in the next two months or so I will have that update for those readers.

Also via my USB and email I have found a few of my older stories I would like to bring back. Home is a Strong Word and A Fine Line Between Right and Wrong (both are Avenged Sevenfold stories) for those of you who may have read those in the past. I will be going through them in my spare time and editing them to be able to get those back up and going again. I also have two new stories I am currently working on that will be revealed at a later time. And I will try to get into writing some more oneshots as well. Also hoping to be able to get a writing contest going sometime in the next few months for my readers and anyone else so hopefully that works out.

But that's pretty much it for right now, in the next couple days I will have a chapter up for my Loki story to appease you all. Til then, thanks so much for all your support!!! I really can't say enough how much it means to me and how it keeps me going so keep the comments and feedback coming!! And as always subscribe if you like it and recommend it for others to join in on the fun! <3
June 6th, 2014 at 04:48pm