June 12, 2014 (Tornadoes)

We had a tornado warning here today. Do you know the one thing I'm terrified of? Tornadoes. Surprisingly, we don't get many warnings in this part of Texas, let alone actual tornadoes. They usually hit around here, but not actually in the city limits. Regardless, it was the scariest two hours of my life. But no tornado and the watch will expire soon.

I'm writing more and more now. I've got a few ideas for stories but I'm trying to take it slow. It's hard because once I get an idea, I want to write and post it immediately! That's not smart though because I get followers and then I never want to update. So yeah, I'm trying to be smarter.

I kinda want to write about Blake Gideon again but as nobody knows who he is, I doubt people would want to read about him. It's a shame since he's a total babe and an awesome guy. He's my bae, haha.

On the personal side, I'm trying to get back in school but it's proving to be difficult. It's hard because I may owe the school over $2,000 and guess what? I don't have it. Surprise surprise. Let's just hope it works out where I don't have to pay that. Yeah, and pigs can fly.

As you can see I'm still my pessimistic self. I'm trying though. I'm trying to stay positive and not run away from my problems as much, i.e. the school thing. It's easier said than done and it's freaking exhausting. I'm tired all the time.

Speaking of tired, I think I'm going to head to bed. Hopefully I'll update tomorrow. Thanks for reading this ramble! Catch y'all on the flip side.
June 13th, 2014 at 06:33am