Short Hiatus 6/18/2014 *updated 6/21/14

If you follow me, you've noticed my updates have currently stopped. Fear not, they will return shortly! Promise!
It's just last week a hailstorm hit and shattered the windows of my home and vehicle, which caused a lot of damage. I've been dealing with insurance and glass repair, but the size of the storm hit everyone in town so everyone's backed up. On top of some financial troubles, so these past few days I have not been up to writing and for that I apologize.
But I am expecting to be back to business by the weekend. If there's any change I will be sure to edit this blog to suit it. Thank you so much for your patience and in the meantime please, please give your love over to Synyster Laufeyson; as she has BRILLIANT stories that are updated frequently.
Not to mention, I'm working on a co-write with her! Hopefully I will see you lovelies this weekend if things go according to plan. :)
Okay, so as promised I'm back and ready to crank out chapters. I've currently posted one on one of my stories; my muse grabbed me by the collar and slapped me around until i couldn't possibly move my fingers anymore. (Ha!) I'll admit on the darker side, but I may have been venting out a little anger into it.
That's about it, and later today/tonight I'll be cranking out chapters on anything else I need to, as I've been up all night and need a wee bit of sleep! It's good to have my muse kicking my butt again! *dances*
June 18th, 2014 at 11:34am