Swapping of the Comments?

My nails are neon pink and my heart is happy.


Who's up for a comment swap? It may be 22 degrees here in the glorious city that is St. John's, Newfoundland, but I am quite comfy in my bed. So I thought to myself, "self, why not see if anyone in the Mibbaverse cares to comment swap?"

And here I am!

Ideally, I'd like some feedback on my newest original fiction, The Universe. It is actually pre-written, but I'm thinking that if it does well on the site, I'd like to do some hardcore editing and fleshing out to try and get it published. It's a story that I love and I keep coming back to read myself. I'm about seven chapters in, but each chapter only has a couple hundred words, so they're not long.

In return, please leave anything you like! I'm a fan of original fiction, but I'm also up for reading fanfiction. I usually stay away from band fics unless they're All Time Low or One Direction (I love those Brits), but I'll leave it up to you to decide what to leave!

I hope you're all enjoying your morning/afternoon/evening/night! I look forward to swapping comments with you :)
June 18th, 2014 at 08:44pm