My Twisted Mind: Story Topics + Questions

In case none of you know, (or even care to know) I haven't been writing in a long time. My reasons vary, but all in all, my inspiration to write has been put at a stand still.

But I know that if/when I start up writing again, my stories are going to take a slightly different turn. See, I'm kind of like Stephen King only with different ideas. A lot of stories about scary or strange things tend to be really religious based or stories that already exist in legend, or way out of this world type of things. But what I like to do is reach into my interesting dark part of my head.

What I mean by dark, I mean those dark thoughts that us (sane) human beings surpress because of its lack of being civilized and acceptable in many societies. Only thing is that mine have a twist. I like to mix out of this work ideas and situations with close resemblences to human possiblities.

I don't know if this is making any sense, because I'm being very vague on this whole topic, but my basic idea is to write stories that reflect strange and sometimes disgusting ideas that happen to people in their life, or the creatures and/or people around them. I want to do this in a creative way.

One story that I started working on a while ago was called Fiends. Its kind of gross, some of the situations, or just strange. I want to resume working on it because I had put it on hold for a while while writing a novel that I never did complete. Now that I've pretty much abandoned the novel, I would like to contiune on with working on Fiends.

1. What do you think about my idea?
2. Do you like to write about strange things and/or scary stories?
3. What is your favorite genre to write?
4. What is your favorite genre to read?
5. Would you even consider reading a scary stories?
6. Do you have twisted thoughts?
7. If you do, do you surpress them?
8. If you don't surpress them, do you express them through creative outlets?
June 19th, 2014 at 10:41pm