Done With Mibba's Poop.

I had to be polite in the title, else I'd have someone on my case complaining I'm swearing in it. As if I don't already have enough of them complaining I'm not writing my titles "correctly". o-e


This is just a quick thing to ask if anyone's having the same problems as I am, or if it's just me lately.
I got honoured with a message from one of my favourite authors on this whole site at the beginning of the week, and it sent 3 times. That happens a lot, no big deal. I deleted 2 of them and answered 1. But Mibba told me I had 4 messages, and now it won't let me get rid of the little orange bubble telling me I have a new message. It's making me feel rather lonely, since I don't really have friends on here anymore. :c

I'm also having an issue with the notifications bubble. I've had a couple of friend requests in the last 24 hours, one of which was accompanied by a quick note saying she was a fan of my work (which for the record makes me feel wonderful, so thank you to that person <3) but it's not seeming to let me accept the second request, and even if it is, it's not disappearing.

Is this a general site issue that quite a few people are having, or is it just me? I can't get rid of them and meh. D:

Someone please help me out! >-<

Side note: Time after Time has been updated again, so go read the most recent update if you haven't already. ^-^

Stay awesome dudes! \m/

--AJB xo

Song of the day: Ironic - Alanis Morissette.
June 20th, 2014 at 02:46pm