I Slacked Off, My Bad!

Yeah, so I've had a semi busy last few weeks staying at the boyfriends house looking after things while his dad has been away. It's fun playing housewife and feeling like I'm running my own house... I'm sure I'd get bored of it eventually, but at the moment it's still fun. Haha.

Anyways, as a result of this, I have let my writing and general Mibba stuff fall by the wayside. No excuses really, I just found myself more occupied around the house and then when it was time to sit down and relax, I've been re-watching the entire NCIS series instead of getting on the computer.

But I actually miss being on here, reading and writing. So I'm gonna try to be more active this week and catch up on stories I've fallen behind with (to those authors whose stuff I read, expect some epic comments!) and whip my butt into gear with my own work.

Just wanted to let people know I'm not avoiding anyone or any stories, I've just been M.I.A for a bit but I'm back now! ;)
June 23rd, 2014 at 03:09pm