Monumentour 6.22.14

Okay, so I guess it's that time! Time to blog and fangirl about MONUMENTOUR.

So, I went on the opening night in Hartford, but I got lawn seats because we decided last minute. But the REAL DEAL was the show in Mansfield, Mass. My best guy friend Bryan went with us on Thursday then decided to come again Sunday and bought his ticket at the last minute, so he didn't have the meet and greet like Sam and I did.



So he made friends with people in line while we went to meet the boys. It was hot as hell, first and foremost and I was afraid I was going to sweat my damn makeup off before I even got to the boys! We waited for, like, ever, but Danny was really cool and nice about explaining everything which was a bonus. We were waiting for the boys in the actual M&G area forever, though. I think they must've been running late but holy hell when they came in everyone freaked out


Surprisingly it didn't take very long to go through the line, but I was nervous the whole time and snapped a lot of creeper pics of Pete because he was first in line


So I finally made it up to him, and I gave him an envelope that I had notes for each of the boys in, and I handed it to him but I wouldn't let go and I made him look at me and I said "Pete, I'm giving this to you, but it's not just yours, it has all their," *points at rest of boys* "stuff in it too. Can I trust you with this?" And he was like "Yeah, yeah of course" probably thinking I'm crazy. AND HE WAS WEARING A RETAINER ON HIS BOTTOM TEETH AND HE WAS SO CUTE I COULDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING.

Next was Andy, and I've never met him before so I was literally just like "Hi," and that was it then I did the same to Joe and omfg I wanted to say something else but the people were like "Okay, move to the end of the table" but Joe still had my card so I just shook Patrick's hand and I felt kind of bad because I did it really hard and, like, held his hand with both of mine and I was like "I met you three years ago at a solo show when I was like a baby," and he looked like he was trying to remember me, then I said "And her mom really embarrassed us, but it was awesome." And I gestured to my friend. Then the people told me to go so I went to grab my card but Patrick FREAKED THE FUCK OUT, and took it because apparently he hadn't signed it, and he was like "NO. NO. I'M NOT DONE WITH THAT YET." And my heart almost stopped. I swear to god. Out of all of them, he's the only one I could fucking talk to and he was so sweet and actually listened to me like sgvjsgnkwjrn;

So after that hot mess I got the little greeting card signed ((It won't let me link a picture now, so I'll try later))

Anyway, after that it was PICTURE TIME. Dear lord I was trying not to be sweaty. I let Sam go before me because her idea was she would take a picture alone, then we'd take one together, then I'd take one alone. For the one of us with them I told her we should do a duckface but she said no, but then she caved and we did. I remember she shook all their hands and did her photo then asked if I could join and they were all like "Yeah, of course!" So I was trying to be quick and I went to squeeze between Joe and Pete and I guess I kinda jumped over there because Pete was like "Woah okay." And I was like omg awkwarddd. So then Sam and I are like "can we do duckfaces??" And Pete and Joe were like "What?" And I go "It's for her parents!" So in the end, Pete did his what the fuck hand thing, Joe smiled like a little bumpkin, and Patrick and Andy did the best duckfaces known to man ((this photo but with just Patrick and Andy is so popular on tumblr I can't even))


Then I jumped between Patrick and Joe and they were all like "Wait what?" And I was like, "Sorry can I do a picture too?" And Patrick wrapped his arm around me super tight and he was a sweaty angel I can't. And Pete DID THE FUCKING THING WITH HIS ARM WHY DOE.


And before I left I turned to Joe and said, "I've never met you before, so it's nice to meet you," and I shook his hand and he said it was nice to meet me too. Then I did the same to Andy then I ran off like a little fucking nerd omfg.

So then we had to wait around for no reason because they wouldn't let us in early and the merch table wasn't set up. But when we finally did get in line for merch is was almost time for doors to open and Bryan was freaking out because he was afraid he wouldn't find us, but he made friends with girls in line and they got him to the front of the pit with our other friend Jesse who was there, and they saved us room so we got up there. Honestly the pit was TINY, and it was only half full, but everyone was crowding to the front, which was annoying. I was behind Jesse for New Politics, where fucking DAVID BOYD TAKES BRYAN'S PHONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOW AND RECORDS A VIDEO OF THE BAND AND THE CROWD. IT WAS FUCKING INSANE. They were really good, they had an amazing energy and David Boyd looks like Dave Franco, lol.

These were our pit selfies:





((that FOB snapback though))

Anyway, Paramore came on, and I moved up to the barricade. We were on Jeremy's side (stage right) and he was so interactive with us jfc it was amazing. He kept looking at us and making faces at us. And when Proof came on I started rocking the fuck out because that's my S H I T. Anyway, there's a line in the song that goes My heart is bigger than the distance in between us, I know it cause I feel it beating AND FUCKING JEREMY AND I LIKE GESTURED TO EACH OTHER DURING THAT ONE LINE AND HE STARTED LAUGHING I WAS SCREAMING. Hayley was so adorable and so perfect I couldn't even take it. I wanted to get picked to go sing Misery Business and I SWEAR TO GOD SHE WAS ABOUT TO PICK ME BUT SOMEONE HAD A SIGN THAT SAID TO PICK THEM. The girls that went up were so cute, though, and I think that's so cool that everyone is so inclusive about that kind of stuff and makes them feel like it's their show, as Hayley put it. But Paramore was insane, I was rocking out so hard I thought I was going to die.




THEN THE MOMENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, FALL OUT BOY. We were on Joe's side even though I would've preferred to be on Pete's or in the middle, but I digress. First off, I knew there were going to be fireworks after the weird intro thing, which was creepy as hell. BUT THOSE FIREWORKS MAN. I PLUGGED MY EARS AND EVERYTHING AND THEY STILL MADE ME JUMP TEN FEET IN THE AIR. Also, apparently I missed Xibalba (don't know when he came to the party, but I thought I'd mention it first). Anyway, I won't go into it song by song, but they were so fabulous, and my voice was so shot. I was headbanging so hard and I was so sweaty. I couldn't have asked for better. And during Young Volcanoes they kept showing video of the crowd, and the camera guy was right in front of us and kept putting us up there omg it was hysterical. One of my friends there said she screamed every time she saw me. I fucking SANG INTO THE CAMERA, IT WAS AWESOME.


((I'm in the snapback and red glasses, but I"m on the end. Jesse took this picture, but it was the one time they actually showed Bryan and Sam and not me and Jesse, lol))

I also got this video of Patrick being damn sexy during This Ain't a Scene ((go reblog that ish y'all))

Anyway, here's few pictures of Fall Out Boy







I honestly couldn't have asked for a better experience. Being in the front row of a crowd of 15,000 people? Does it get any better than that? Screaming my lungs out, being with my best friends. It was all so surreal. Meeting them aside, this show was phenomenal. I've seen the boys four times now, and this was easily the best, most memorable show. Remarkable.

Anyway, tl;dr, right? I seriously thought I was going to pass out on the way to the car because all I had eaten that day was a pb&j. Bryan thought he was going to have to carry me, but he didn't, thank goodness. Our new tradition after seeing FOB is to get Wendy's, apparently, haha. But yeah, if you've made it this far I hope you enjoyed my little story!
June 24th, 2014 at 05:45am