
I will probably receive some hate for this, but I'm prepared for it.

None of what I'm about to say is directed at any one specific individual, though. It's more a general issue that has been bothering me for a while now, and I'm finally at a point where I just need to say what I have to say.

If I'm about to step on any toes at all, I apologise, but that's not my intention at all.

I also realise that a whole lot of you will not agree with me, and that's fine. I don't expect that from anyone, but I would just like to be able to speak my mind too.

I'm not a person who puts up a front, and pretends to be someone that I'm not, but I do still firmly believe what I believe!

I feel that I try my best to be accepting, respectful, understanding and generally open-minded about what other people feel/believe, and I would only consider it fair that I be graced with the same courtesy. Right?

In no way do I try to preach, judge, belittle or 'convert' anyone, since I respect the fact that people will differ, and not always agree on all matters.

It just feels that lately I can't really find a place to voice any of my thoughts or beliefs, since it's always received in one of the same two ways: either I'm labelled as 'hypocritical' (and judged harsher than I am supposedly judging others who don't share my views/beliefs, might I add), or I'm called things the like of 'Jesusfreak', regardless of the fact that I'm not a judgemental person myself.

I respect the fact that other people don't necessarily agree with me in my views/beliefs, but is it wrong of me to want to receive the same respect?

I feel like I'm expected to walk on eggshells with what I say, to not offend anyone, but that's ridiculous, because I have no intention or desire to do so. I have no reason to leave anyone feeling offended, yet I'm always the one left in such a state. I never say anything about it, though, because (again) I realise that people are all free to feel/believe what they desire.

There is quite a bit of bashing I constantly put up with, though, and I'm just not always sure people realise it.

I can understand if people are offended by feeling judged by others sharing my beliefs who actually do judge, but I want to be someone who comes out and states that not everyone will do that!

A point which links to all this, is the stories I read/write on this site (and other similar ones). Some of those might be considered 'proof' of me being a 'hypocrite', which is not the case, since I don't pretend to be anything, and since not everything I read/write is a reflection of what my life is actually like. I definitely do not condone, or agree with, everything that I read or write (as I'm sure is the case with a lot of you).

This also brings me to another point, which has been bothering me for quite some time. This matter is something I'm going to call 'heterophobia'. As a heterosexual person, who is nothing but accepting and supportive of anyone in the LGBTQ community, I'm personally offended by anyone bashing people solely because of their heterosexuality.

Again, people, not all heterosexual people are going to be assholes about someone being of a different sexual orientation! (Just as not all Christians are going to hit you over the head with a Bible for not believing what they believe!).

If anyone feels that I was out of place to say anything at all, then please feel free to tell me so. As I've stated in the beginning of this long blog entry, my intention is not to step on any toes, which I don't think I did.

I feel somewhat lighter at heart now, and I want to thank anyone who read this to the end with an open mind, and without wanting to slap me.

Lots of love!
June 25th, 2014 at 06:49pm