Tornado Watch...

Oh my gosh, my city's in a tornado watch until 1am. It's only 9:33pm. Omg, I don't do well with tornadoes. I'm like phobic. And I'm freaking out, like really freaking out, like I'm not sleeping tonight, I'm that freaked out. I'm scared. I don't want to die from a tornado or get crushed to death by my house if I'm in the basement. :( Omg...omg...Why??

I hate Kansas. I really hate Kansas. Why couldn't I live in a place that doesn't get tornadoes? Like Alaska. Why don't I live in Alaska? Omg...

Ignore me, I'm just freaking out, but if you don't hear from me in three and a half hours, that's because I'm either a) in a basement or b) dead. *knocks on wood*

June 30th, 2014 at 04:35am