Camp Nanowrimo and I Finally Have Photoshop Again!

So, I've been wanting to join NaNoWriMo for about two years now and I've never felt like I could do it, complete it in time and it's just scared me for some reason. I've decided to at least try Camp NaNoWriMo out instead, or at least as an easy preview. Since I haven't written a lot the past year unfortunately, I don't want to set too high standards but at the same time, I don't want to make it too easy, so I chose my word-count goal as 20,000 words because I know that the 21st-28th I will work everyday and only one of those days will be a morningshift so I know I'll be exhausted.

I reckon it's still going to be the right challenge for me to get back on track, I already feel the inspiration flowing and can't wait to get down on writing- I'm using my Beautiful With You plot since I haven't started writing on it and I want too also it seems easier to start out with an original fiction since that's what it is and it's easier to let loose.

Is anyone else joining Camp NaNoWriMo?

Now I have Photoshop CS5 again! Don't ask me how I got it, I barely know how but finally I can make banners again and just have fun with it. It's honestly had me down in the dumps that I haven't had it for like a month and a half haha but now I finally do and I hope that I get better at making banners. =)
June 30th, 2014 at 10:28pm