The Longest Story Comment Ever

I just wrote a 1,220 word comment. Literally. Literally. I'm not sure if that's the longest comment of all time, but it has to be up there as one of the longest. I was just trying to write it for a little comment swap, but then I just kept writing and reading and didn't stop and holy mary mother of jesus it's 1,220 words.

Want proof? Here it is. The story is absolutely fantastic, by the way. It is a fan fix but it can easily be read without knowing about K-Pop. Hell, I don't know anything about K-Pop and I still really enjoyed the story. Hazzah.

I don't know if I should feel bad for that but I kind of do. No one has time to read that long of a comment. Do you guys think there is such a thing as too long of a comment? Maybe the max should be like 1,000 words, I don't know. The words just start flying and then your comment is a mini-novel of all your thoughts on the story.

Too long comments?
July 3rd, 2014 at 04:05am