In Relation to 'Let Them Heal'

A/N: I'll probably keep this up for a week before I take it down and post on a blog, but I wanted those that have subscribed the story to read this. I feel this is important enough not only for the sake of Patrick Stump's reaching out to fans, but how it ties into the story.

I know this is probably very unprofessional of me to include this in this story, considering that it is NOT a chapter, but I cannot NOT share this. I follow a tumblr page that grabs Patrick Stump's tweets and puts them on the page. I thought it was a cute page because most of Mr. Stump's tweets are rather sassy and funny. I liked it a while back and I have it saved on my 'Favorites' link. For some odd reason, I had a hunch to check on it today, since I haven't checked it in a few weeks, and what I saw (and read) brought not only broke me down because of the content, but how relate-able it was.

A young girl had asked the admin to post an email that she had received from Patrick Stump.

She was going through a liver transplant procedure and her friends found a way to get the message to him in hopes that he would contact her.

I found this to be way too coincidental considering that the story 'Let Them Heal' revolves around the start of a letter about patients and them getting better after being struck with tragedy, then Patrick emailing Eva back about how humbled he was and wishing that they get better. On top of that, the specific procedure that the young girl had to go through ties in with what I had to go through with a family member of mine (SPOILER ALERT: that'll come into play in the later chapters. You'll get a glimpse of my life in Eva.)

The respect I had for Patrick Stump quadrupled. He may not respond to you 9 times out 10 on his q&a's or that he might not be able to talk to you directly at first, but that ONE time - one time - that he does get a chance to say something, it's quite possibly the most impact message you might receive.

I just had to share this because not only is it kind of a "freaky" that something like this came out of the blue while I'm going on with this story, but that just how human that Patrick Stump (and the band) are. Patrick Stump is not so up in the clouds that he looks down on his fans, he appreciates them. Patrick Stump is not so high nosed that he can't be "bothered" with common folk - he talks to his fans.

The links are provided in the A/N if anyone wishes to read the letter. If you have a tumblr site, I'll directly link to both the tumblr site I found it and the actually person who received the email. Hopefully y'all will be able to view it and read for yourself.

As of right now, I am writing out the next set of chapters, so hopefully before the weekend is up, I'll have an update or two for y'all.

Thank you for time and patience as well as support for this story.


@patrickstump tumblr page
patrick stump's email to sam (tumblr page owner)

(originally posted on 6/28/2014)
July 4th, 2014 at 01:34pm