Fairy Houses!

Today my sister and I built some fairy houses! It took us hours to gather all the stuff, paint some of the rocks and the bark, and then assemble the small abodes. It was so much fun, though!


While we were gathering the stuff, we saw a big group of pretty yellow butterflies (and we NEVER see those where I live) and a bunch of dragonflies kept circling us throughout the entire thing! They followed us till we were finished and heading inside.


I'm so exhausted now, though. That's probably the longest I've been outside in a long time and it was so HOT today! And I'm all sweaty, too. Also, I'm rambling because I'm not sure if this is enough words for a blog. I really don't think it is.


So why don't you pretty lot tell me what you did today?
July 7th, 2014 at 02:03am