Jesus Christ It's Been 3 or 4 Years

I can't remember the last time I've been on this account! It's been ages!

As you can tell, I've been immensely busy the past few years and writing has taken the furthest back burner away from my priorities. Currently, I've been in Nursing school, working my way toward becoming an RN. It's been beyond hectic and aside from school, I was dealing with some pretty hard core family matters that crippled my life for a short while.

Yes, I'm being personal. Sorry.

As for ILY, BS; I doubt I'll be continuing it any time soon, especially since I'm not sure if I can even follow my own train of thought. I can't seem to remember where I wanted the story to go and I barely know my own characters anymore. Once upon a time, each of the characters represented a distinct portion of my personality (minus the whore-ness and whatnot, haha!), but in 4 years, I've changed a lot as an individual, especially as a writer.

So, one day, I'd like to re-read the whole story (legitimately, I've read a few chapters and I certainly get a kick out of my 16 year old self at that time) and re-write it. Yes, completely re-write it.

I have ideas for what I'd like to do and I have left you all with 4 years of nothing. Especially nothing in regards to the whole "Tequila Sunrise" concept. I don't know how many of ILY, BS 's readers still use Mibba but if you do, definitely get in contact! I'd love to know what you all have been up to the past few years and whatnot.

Oh, and another thing... Taylor is my middle name. I'm unsure of how to change my profile but my real name is Shelby, Taylor is just my pen name to keep me on the down low.

Cheers! x
July 8th, 2014 at 08:58pm