Accident + Camp NaNoWriMo+ Minecraft

-sigh- So, I kinda had an accident yesterday in which has made me extremely sore. I was making mine and my boyfriends bed, and as I lifted the cover to get it over the bed, it must have gotten hung on our glass light cover. It broke in mid air, and the shards came crashing down on me. Jake said that I have two puncture wounds on my back, a bruise on my back, and he wasn't surprised if the one up on my right shoulder didn't go into the muscle. The one that hurt though, was the smallest one. It got me right underneath my left shoulder blade, and he said it was the size of pencil lead, but it hurt, so freakin bad. I also found that I might have bruised one of my carpal bones.

I think it might be the Capitate or the Scaphoid. Thankfully, my kids weren't in there when it happened. I was actually really scared because Jake wasn't home at the time. He was at work, and I started having blood just drip down my back onto my shirt. My oldest was freaked out asking if I was going to have to go to the hospital lol. I cleaned up the glass as best as I could, and vacuumed the floor three times because the girls' really like to come in and watch me and Jake play video games. Jake doctored me up with some peroxide, antibiotic, and bandaids. I also found that maybe the one that got me on the shoulder blade, may have hit a nerve because it was hurting my arm. I would feel like twinges of pain go through my left arm.


About Camp NaNoWriMo, I am on my eighth day, and I have reached 10,153 words today and only three chapters. I feel quite accomplished with myself. Although, my cabin isn't really doing much talking, which I know everyone is trying to write, and with their busy lives, its hard to do it, but I do like encouragement lol. I think everyone else does too.


So, Jake and I got Minecraft probably about a month ago, and I have a question about it. Why is it so addicting? Lol We have played it every day for about a month or so, and we just can't stop playing it.

But anyway, I noticed I haven't done a blog in a while, so I thought I would write one. Bye bye Mibbians. Talk to you later!!

July 9th, 2014 at 03:36am