Babies in Hot Cars

So, I was watching AMHQ with Sam Champion this morning, like always, and they did a story where a little five year old was trapped in her parents truck. They had gone to the store, and left her inside of this hot truck with the windows up, and the doors locked. It was 93 degrees as well. Well, three people came hearing the poor child screaming, and sweating profusely, and called the cops, got her out, and arrested the parents.

Sam Champion and his co-worker began saying: "We need to stop saying that it would never happen to us, or these people are stupid, etc. Because it could happen to any one."

Now those aren't the exact words, but it was pretty much what was said. My argument to that is:

1. Why in the hell, would you leave your child out in the car anyway? Whether it be 93 degrees or 65-75 degrees? I would never leave my two kids alone in a car together, that is pure stupidity. I can understand if you are a single parent, you go inside to pay for some gas, and then come back out, but when you are in the store for any amount of time, you should always take your child inside with you. I don't care if they peed their pants, I don't care if they smell like poop because they did that in their pants, I don't care if they are covered in mud. Get that child out of that car alone!

Yes, people will look at you like you're a bad mother or father, but you know what is going on, and it isn't any one else's business.

2. THERE WERE TWO OF YOU!!!!! If you really didn't want to take that child inside with you, why not one of you stay in there with her?! If you are with your significant other, and have a child whether it be biological or not, and you want the child to stay in the car, one of you needs to stay with them.

3. Why did you not take the child inside with you? Was it because she is a nuisance inside the store? Well you should have thought about that when you weren't closing your legs or keeping your "friend" inside your damn pants.

The point of this rant, is that there is no possible reason for leaving a child unattended in a car in a parking lot. Like I said, the child is absolutely filthy? Bring them in. The child is crying a lot? Bring them in. The child has soiled their pants? Bring them in. You don't just leave your child out alone in a damn car. That is just stupidity.

Sorry for my rant, it just got me riled up when they said that we shouldn't say stuff like that. I can, because I am not about to let my child or children be alone in a car or any where for that matter.
July 9th, 2014 at 02:17pm