Making a Blanket

So I was sitting here the other day making my baby a blanket and my boyfriend picks up the blanket and feels it. When he feels it, he says, "How the hell is this gonna keep our baby warm? It's got holes in it!" I'm crocheting it the whole time he's saying this. I couldn't help but laugh of course, so I reply," That's not the only thing our baby will be in.It's going to wear clothes too! Lol." He just didn't understand I guess. It was great. I'm kind of scared about the next appointment though. They may do a pelvic exam, and we all know those are so invasive. Also, I'm scared about an amniocentesis. Have any of you ever had one? Can you tell me how it feels? I'm severely scared of needles, so I'm so beyond scared!
July 12th, 2014 at 04:59am