i feel shit even though my life is pretty much perfect....i think its cause im a teenager

imagine this.

you love someone with all your heart, you would do anything for them. you would die for them. you want to protect them, you don't want them hurt. all you want is for them to be happy =] you spend al your time thinking about the person when you're not with them and when you're wth them nbothing else matters. even though you've kissed their lips 99999999 times before it still makes you tingle and makes your heart beat that extra bit faster when you kiss them again. no one matters in life becausew you have that special person and you know they feel the same way about you to. this isn't puppy love this is true love.......

but then you find out that you feel you can't trust this person 100% you dont know why because they've never done anything to make you feel like this before, they've NEVER abused your trust. you trust them to not actually cheat on you but you feel inside the persons head they could possibly be thinking of other girls. and this makes you upset. you dont know why coz every boy thinks of other girls and likes girl attention even if they're married/in love.
it could be something thats happened in the pas. you find it hard to trust people anyway, is your trust on this person growing or will you never fully trust the one you love because of something that happened in the past?

sorry its so long. i feel better now ive wrote it down....thankyou for anyone who comments.
September 16th, 2007 at 03:04am