Current Obsessions

1. Peter Hale from Teen Wolf
2. Roman Godfrey from Hemlock Grove
3. Malia from Teen Wolf
4. The band Daughter
5. Norman Reedus

1. I've been a huge fan of Teen Wolf since the beginning and to be quite honest, if I were to hop on the band wagon now and watch the first season, I might have checked out and said, "HA! No thank you," but I've gotten the pleasure of watching the show grow into the twisted and sadistic show we love.

With that being said, I know exactly who Peter Hale is but never mind you that I paid little to no attention to that man until now. God, why is it that attractive men make us girls go completely psycho? I mean Ian Bohen who plays Peter Hale is obviously a very very very very VERY attractive man. I can't help but slightly fan girl whenever his face graces the screen and I just love his character. I love that he's trying to reform but you can't help but remember that he killed a lot of people. I love his sarcasm and his witty remarks, GOD, it just does things to me. My friend Michelle says I'm just susceptible to bad guys and I can't disagree. I've got a thing for em, I suppose. But, Peter Hale is definitely my top obsession. Which makes me happy that I get the pleasure of maybe seeing his face tonight. One can only hope, right?

2. Thank JESUS, Hemlock Grove is back on netflix. I for sure thought the day would never come. I have this sadistic and twisted nature about me that I just can't help but succumb to the horrific and beyond creepy television shows. I knew right off the bat what this show was going to be about but damn the way they pulled it off really made me realize how crazy this show is. I adored every element in it. Especially it bad that I would let him suck my blood whenever he wanted? I mean I can't be the only one. This season seems hell of a lot more intense and sadly with my attention span, I have only gotten to episode three. You'd think that since I have all the episodes in my grasp, I'd spend day and night catching up, right? I thought so too but there's only so much I can take in. So confused.

3. WHY IS SHE SO PERFECT? I wanted to hate her, I really did. I mean I know I've been talking to my friends about Stiles FINALLY needing a woman in his life but I didn't mean it so literal. But, I freaking adore her. I crack up laughing at all her antics involving school, like does the writers of MTV not realize that-that's basically how it is for us on a regular basis? I know that when I went to go to my math class, I all I wanted to do was walk out but sadly I didn't have a cute, quirky, and equally attractive guy help me through it. I will defend Malia to my grave because in all in all, she's really a strong character in this show. I'm curious to know how this whole Peter Hale being her father thing is going to work out. HAH, IT ONLY MAKES SENSE THAT I'M OBSESSED WITH HER DAD AND HER.

4. Has anyone else heard of this band? It's quite sad because I've been using this band as my inspiration for most of my stories. It's also sad that when I hear them I automatically think of The Walking Dead and then get depressed because it's not time to see all those beautiful faces. I've used three songs now that help me drive my two Daryl Dixon stories and my Peter Hale story. I love her voice, I love the subtleness, and I love the eerie element I hear even if it's not meant to be there. Everyone hears something different, ya know?

5. If I ever have the chance to meet this guy, I might just faint. And you won't hear me say that very often. I don't really fan girl in front of famous people, it's just not me. They're regular people and I feel like crying girls and screaming fans just kind of freak them out a bit even though they're probably used to it. But, I'd only faint because of how damn good looking he is. Norman Reedus is like fucking wine, dude. He gets better with age. Have you seen his younger pictures? Swoon. He's too good looking for his own good. And I really love his voice, I think I like his Irish accent even more.....I'll admit that I've seen Boondock Saints more times than I can count JUST to hear both Norman and Sean's voices. I just can't help but squeal when I hear him talk French because I love French. I took four years of it in high school and was even offered to do an exchange program but I turned that down....because I'm stupid. But, in all seriousness, I love his work. I haven't seen everything but I've seen most and I just drool in awe at how much he's grown into a better actor. Plus, he also makes one hell of a sexy redneck.
July 15th, 2014 at 02:11am