Summer Lovin' Had Me a Blast---Not.

It’s Déjà vu people. I am here to explain why I’ve been so absent. So, for my summer all I’ve been doing is working and going to school. I took a summer class that is Mon-Thurs at night. It’s going well, but it has consumed all of my free time. On Wednesdays and Thursdays I work from 9am-5:30pm and then go straight to my class which means I don’t get home until 9:15pm.

Point is I’m always tired. The last update was two months ago. I was demoted from Team Lead for a couple of weeks, like two I think and because one of them got a head injury she couldn’t work. She’s okay. She just got hit in the head during practice and she got a concussion instead of laying down she just worked out and continued practice. The doctors recommended bed rest for weeks! She was gone for about a month.

She’s back, but I’m still a Lead because another Lead was promoted to supervisor. We were supposed to have three for the summer, but one of them quit. We miss him, but he deserved better. Anyway, a lot has happened. I have a nephew! I had no idea about the due date since he came so early. He was born July 7th! Anyone know why that’s amazing?! You should if you read my stories. My niece Alice, the oldest, was born on July 31st so they’re meant to be fans for life.

Now at work many of the servers have said I should be supervisor. If I was asked, I think I would accept. It’s decent pay, but it’s life consuming. My job would be all I know. It’s already all I know, but I would be there for 12 + hours especially around Holidays and October is coming up soon meaning Haunt is coming!

Yeah. We’ll see. I’d do it because I’m in such a desperate need of money.

I hope your summer is going better. Or at least you’re having a good time. I haven’t been to a real concert in so long. I’ve gone to see bands in small venues like Chain Reaction. I did get to see some good ones back in March, but it seems like a lifetime ago.

My writing is coming back slowly. Teen wolf is back so that always inspires me. Sons of Anarchy is about to return, which means I’m getting ideas for one-shots for that too. I already joined a contest for it, so hopefully my idea goes smoothly.

I wish I could write a novel. Honestly, I have ideas, but they always end up dead somewhere in the middle.

Well, dear readers, until next time where I’ll explain why I haven’t updated again. Hahaha.

Oh! I make banners! I’m no expert, but most of the banners from my stories are made by me. If not, it usually says in the summary who made it. Point is to feel free to ask me to make you one if you need it. I just need the basic information like a title, portrayers, colors etc. I won’t mind to be bothered because usually making banners inspires me.
July 15th, 2014 at 04:39am