The Vegan Life & Update on Life + Questions

Wha gwan bad mons?
I almost abandoned you guys for a moment and if you don't care to hear about whats been good in the hood, then you can skip this section to where the line is (which is about the vegan life)

But the reason it has taken me so long to update was because of different things. One being the lack of inspiration in my life to do anything. I don't know what has come over me lately but my laziness has reached an ultimate high, and I'm a natural hard worker. When I say I don't want to do anything anymore, I literally mean I don't want to do anything, including shower daily. Yes, I go days without showering in this hot ass weather where I live (hot meaning 93 degrees F and higher). I think a lot of it has to do with disappointment coupled with loss of hope and discouragement regarding my future after school. At times I wonder if everything I'm doing in school is nothing but a complete and utter waste of my time. I'm also upset about the fact that I have become a complete failure in regards to losing the weight I initially wanted to lose. But I'll speak more on that in the next section of this blog.

The second reason is that from Friday through Monday I had Johnny over visiting on like a mini vacation. If you're reading this and you don't know who Johnny is, after this blog, read my The Story of My Love Life blogs please because I'm not about to explain who he is on here. But while spending time with him, I spent much less time on social networks. I also had a really good time and it took me out of my slump of pathetic life for that time being. It also changed something in our relationship that I'll speak about later in my love life chronicles (If I finish in time to remember, them. Cross your fingers)

Honestly, though, I'm just waiting for school to start back up. Living with my parents is no good for me in regards to feeling better about myself and that's the best way I can put my given situation. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just depressed and don't know it or don't care to acknowledge it. Nothing inspires me anymore it seems and I feel like I'm forcing anything I do that requires a small amount of effort.
Regarding the vegan lifestyle, for those who do not know, I'm currently an ovo-lacto vegetarian with hopes of becoming a vegan as soon as possible. My reasons for being a vegetarian is in another blog for those who are interested in knowing why.

Although my biggest reason for becoming a vegan isn't weightloss, its a great plus that comes with it. For those who don't know, I'm currently struggly hard as hell in trying to lose weight. I know that I can do a better job at it but its really hard for me to do so while living under my parents roof. Everyone else in my family is a meat, cheese, and eggs eater and the influence is hard at times. Sometimes the chicken demon (typical negra) whispers in my ear and eggs and cheese try to seduce me. My motto is that if you're not supposed to/ going to eat it, don't buy it. But if I'm not the one responsible for the food that comes in the house, what the fuck am I supposed to do?

Therefore, my plan is to start my vegan lifestyle once I start school again because I will be moved out of my house by then. That way I will be solely resposnible for the food I eat in the house. Although I will be having roommates who may buy meat at times, it wouldn't matter because the only time I crack (crack meaning eating cheese and eggs, not meat) is when my food runs out because the parents haven't went shopping.

My hardest struggles will be giving up pizza and sushi. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do to silence those tricksters, but I'm going to try my utmost best. A woman on youtube named freelee (aka freelee the banana girl) helps out a lot with the information she shares along with her own personal story about being unhealthy and overweight.

Wish me luck guys, I'm out.

Tomorrow, if I'm not drowning in my misery, I may make an update on my love life story.

1. Would you ever become vegan?
2. What is your relationship status and do you like it?
3. Do you think that eating healthy in college is hard?
4. Are you depressed or have feelings of depression? Do Explain them.
July 16th, 2014 at 12:59am