Guten Tag, everybody!(Updates)

Hallo, everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated lately on really anything >.> I did submit a new poem!(*cough*check eet out*cough) And with school starting back up and everything, I'll try my best. I am currently also working on the outline of my new story. I might or might not put it up on here. I think I want to write it all completely THEN maybe I'll submit it. Basic Plot: Girl messes with VAMPIRE mob. Hit man sent to 'take care of' her, but ends up falling in love with her. yadda yadda yadda, betrayal and murder, blah blah, dark secrets and uuber hot vampire men, yak yak, rival ELF mafia. It reminds me of a combo of Interview with a Vampire, Twighlight, and Westside Story. Give me your ops about it, and I might send the complete plot line to ya! ^_-

Oh, and updates on Jack....Well....he cheated on me. ^_^;; I was away at my g-mas in another state for a week, and my ex was having a party the day I was suppose to get back. My ex and I hadn't been on good speaking terms, but he called me up and invited me! So i was really psyched. Well, the day we were suppose to get back to my living quaters, my aunt and uncle (who had our mode of transportation) decided to stay another night at where they were staying. In short, I was stuck in Missouri while there was a huge party going on. I was, to put it lightly, heartbroken.
So, I called Jack a few times during the party to see how things were going. He didn't answer his phone. So I called my ex, and he answered. We talk for a few minutes (well, I really couldn't hear anything because everyone was trying to scream hello). Then, my best friend grabbed the phone, and says, "OMG, Boo, you've GOT to see what your boyfriend is doing right now!' so they hang up and try to send a picture. It didn't work...

He was laying, CUDDLING and other things, with an older girl...

I called him after the party to make sure that this was true. He admitted to it. So I asked him, "Well, are you gonna do anything about it?" These were his exact words:

"Well, I'm gonna dump you...and ask her out."


Oddly enough, I haven't cried a single tear (which is odd for me, because I beat myself up after relationships ended.
Well, I hope I got you up to date enough! I'll try to stop in again soon!

{RANDOM THOUGHT: What if we all had different tails? Like, I would most likely have either a tiger/panther tail or a wolf tail..}
September 16th, 2007 at 03:32am