I Just Need to Vent

Almost two years ago I had the biggest crush on this guy, ever. I even decided to ask him to homecoming that year. I've always had low self-esteem and very little confidence, so it took quite a long time for me to work up the courage to ask him. Long story short he 'politely' declined and stopped any and all interaction with me. Which didn't help the whole

Since then, I've stopped rocking the butt-crack part (parting my hair right down the middle), and have started running (almost) regularly so I can be healthier and what not. Recently I updated my facebook profile picture to show the results, because I'm not on facebook often... And he sent me a friend request, naturally accepted it thinking nothing of it. People from my high school friend me all the time after I graduated (yay class of 2014), I'm assuming it's because they realized I had actually went to school with them and may have talked to them once or twice (I'm not really what you would call a social butterfly...)

The next day I received a message from him that said: "Hey :3" I tried not to read too much into it because no one has ever showed any interest in me, which doesn't really bother me, again I'm not necessarily good with people.

But I know he's done something along the lines of this to one of my friends so I asked her, and it turns out he did the exact same thing, and apparently he starts with normal flirting then it starts getting really heavy until he gets creepy. And basically becomes a stalker and wants so much (visits to his house, nudes, you know the works). So obviously I've 'politely' declined his advance because I'm moving to college in a little over a month and I don't want to get tied down by some pizza hut employee who hasn't done nor plans to do anything with his life. I also have no idea what I saw in him all those years ago.

The worst part of all this is his approach. He took a wrecking ball to my confidence, and now since I've tried to better myself and I no longer look completely ugly he tries to waltz back into my life. No thank you.
July 17th, 2014 at 02:52am