YA Indulgences (Yes or No?)

What do you think? Did it make you click on it? Totally on the wrong site for clickers

I'm going to create a book blog. Like, like this week. I was supposed to do it last week. Oh my gosh, it's Thursday and I still haven't emailed someone about something.

Ugh. Anyway, back on topic now.

I am going to start a book blog, because yeah, that sounds awesome and I want to do it.

I have two almost reviews though done! ::file:


I'm having a problem though...I can't think of a good blog title. This is important, it's like, the most important choice ever. It is what is going to make people click on my blog unlike giveaways or books people want to read about, so it has to be perfect. No mistakes.

I'm a "writer" and I can't come up with anything though! I posted about this like last month but help me guys.

Help me, help me, help me. I'll pay you back with book reviews when you're all awesome, famous authors and all that. #Suckup

So far I have these for possibilities:

YA Indulgences
YA Indulges
Indulge in YA

Ignore the fact they all include the word "Indulge", I don't even like that word anymore. It sounds like something you should eat and I'm not going to write about NA stuff. Haha...Omg. Comment/Message me if you get it

Anyway...I kind of want my blog title to be two words.

Dreaming of Young Adult

No? I didn't think so. Hmm....Well yes...

YA/Young Adult doesn't have to be in the title, that's just going to be the majority of what my blog is about.

I want my title to be catchy like XpressoReads. Tell me that doesn't make you interested in the blog. Tell me.

You can find that blog here

I like it a lot. I also like Once Upon A Twilight too.

They're both really good.

That reminds me, I'm kind of in love with BlogLovin' because you can track blogs there and they show up in your "feed" and it's just awesome. It's like GoogleReader, but more awesome. Impossible, I know.

So....Title suggestions? ::cute:
July 17th, 2014 at 08:49am