Coming Out at Work

Hey everybody!

Wee look at me go, I think I've finally broken through my writers block. YAAAY!

The last couple of days at work I've had co-workers ask if I have a girlfriend. Well the first one asked me that. I wanted to at first just lie and say no, well it's not a lie I have a boy ( an amazing boy might I add) I just didn't wanted to acknowledged to them that I like men. I did say no, took a breath and then I said I have a boy. It's funny the reaction you get, I continuously get blown away, she didn't care. I think she was a little shocked, well she told me she didn't see it. But she was happy for me.

Then again yesterday I was asked by one of my supervisors if I was bringing someone to the xmas party. I said i was brining my partner (me trying to avoid saying girl or boy) They asked who, so I said his name. She reacted quite shocked at first. But was happy for me.

I have to keep reminding myself people don't care, well shouldn't care, some people do. But the people who know me, don't care. It's crazy and awesome and a lot of other feelings/expression/rah rah rah.

Clearly a lot of people from work missed the day I came out and was crying (happy tears/ overwhelmed tears) half my shift. But that's a story for another day.

Yeah I thought I'd like to share that with you all. People who matter in your life will support you no matter what. Just keep true to yourselves, you will be surprised! :)

Until next time,
Mibba Out!
July 24th, 2014 at 04:10am