Writer Problems

I really just want to become Twitter famous for having a funny Twitter handle, but that would require actually getting on Twitter, which pretty much just sounds awful at this point. I try, but Twitter is just really not my thing. Instead, I've decided I will pass on my wisdom through a fake Twitter handle via Mibba because I won't actually have to use Twitter.

This is my nonexistent account that I have called @WriterProblems. It doesn't actually exist. Except maybe it does. If it does, that person is not me. Okay, I changed it. It's now @Katie'sWriterProblems. It still doesn't exist, but now somebody else probably doesn't have it. Here we go.

@Katie'sWriterProblems: Planning a novel and then realizing months later that basically the exact same idea has already been written.

(This happened to me with The Host and I was not a happy camper.)

@Katie'sWriterProblems: Making a story layout before you've actually written the story.

@Katie'sWriterProblems: People thinking you're crazy based on your recent Google searches.

@Katie'sWriterProblems: People thinking you're pregnant based on your recent Google search for baby names.

@Katie'sWriterProblems: Realizing your story idea sucks when you're halfway through writing/planning it.

@Katie'sWriterProblems: Caring about your characters more than actual people.

@Katie'sWriterProblems: Forgetting your characters aren't actual people.
July 24th, 2014 at 04:18am