Back + News

Hey peeps

Just writing this to let you know I'm back :)

I haven't blogged for a while and my attention in the GOT club has been poor, so I apologize for that. I've had so much going on. My daughters school enrollment, Court case, Work and just life in general.

Anyway, point being;

My daughter's father, backed out of doing the hearing! His lawyer must have convinced him that he couldnt win, because now he's running away from proceedings he started! Ha, divine justice. This is why you do not lie to a judge people, it will catch up to you!
So yeah, no court anymore! Wooo!

So, now I have time for stories and videogames and work. My daughter's starting kindy this coming week (yay) but I have to walk her there (noooooooo)

That's all for now.
July 26th, 2014 at 11:25am