Jane Austen Novels & My Lame Stories

Hello Mibba!,

I haven't posted a blog in forever. Sorry about that. In all honesty, I've been caught up in the drama of romance known as Jane Austen. All her novels plus the short story Lady Susan is free on the iBooks app on my iPod touch, so I'm reading all her books. Some for the first time and some for the umpteenth. I love Pride and Prejudice. If I could do a story like that, my life, I believe, would be complete.

As I've been reading her work though, I've come to understand what kind of writer I am; what genres I stick to most. It turns out I'm a classic romance author, I just don't allude to the sex part of the relationship; everybody, I'm convinced, loves a good courtship. And yes, I know I sound like an old fashioned idiot who knows nothing about what she's talking about, but I've come to understand my writing this way. I kind of like it.

Anyways, okay story updates; as soon as I pull myself from reading Emma I shall work on another chapter for Star Keeper. Whether she remembers it or not, it's Rachel's turn to write a chapter for Lunacy (I may have to remind her sooner or later about hat), I will try my best to finish The Day I met You (It only has a few more chapters), I'm going to revive Masquerade (after I try storyboarding it), and I'll finish The Last Wolf (eventually.) That's it for me. Oh, yes, the Tony Stark/Bruce Banner fic I was doing... I can't remember the name of it now, but it's on hiatus until I pretty much stop hating it.

Goodbye, Mibba!
July 28th, 2014 at 05:04pm