It Was One of Those Nights

I use a capitalization website so don't message me telling my title is incorrect because it isn't!

Anyways though last night was weird. It was around two or three in the morning my dad was in the kitchen doing something and the next thing I hear is a loud crash like he dropped some heavy object or something.

So then my mom went into the kitchen and then my dad came and opened my room door and looked at me and closed my door and did the same to my sister.

That was weird. I don't see the point in that. He probably didn't close my sister's door all the way either because I heard her slam her door. She seemed pretty damn irritated, not that I blame her.

In other news it is the last week of the month and August is coming this Thursday. I still have no job so I am relying greatly on the FASA money. I checked my webadvisor and still have not gotten anything. All the forms are filled out and I have not gotten a message asking for anything else.

So I called different staff members until I got an answer because no one would pick up and they told me I had to call the school service center so I did and they told me it is being sent back to the college and then the college will give me the money. They said it was sent out last week on the 23rd. I'm nervous it won't be back to the college on time because the 31st and 1st are the deadline payment dates.

Ugh! I hate this!

I miss having money and going out and buying whatever i wanted! That tempt service has not called me back and I signed up for two others who have not bothered to get back to me at all.

So at this point I don't know what else to do.

But on the bright side to my subscriber, I finally started chapter eleven to my story. I'm scared to promote my story right now though. I actually don't want comments on it this month. I don't my story to be another point booster for someone who is doing this comment a ton thing.

That's still a comment without merit in my opinion.
July 28th, 2014 at 07:32pm