
The Oral Biography Buster Casey.

I mean, A Written Biography-Like Thing About Me Because of Katie.

So Katie (I often wonder if it's just Katie or if that's a nickname for Katherine, Katelyn, Kathleen or some other variation - I don't know if I've asked her this a million times already or if I've only thought of asking her about this a million times already) wrote a blog about 'Private Mibbians' yesterday and I was listed as a 'private Mibbian' she was curious about, so here goes it.

Things About Me

- Family: I'm 26. I have an older sister who is 29. I have two step brothers (one is 27 and the other is 24) - and three younger half sibling (all in elementary school).

- Location: I grew up in NYC (Brooklyn) and then we moved to Nevada when I was 16 (after my parents divorced and my mom started seeing someone new). Then I went off to college in California. Then I went off to grad school in Washington. And now I'm back in California.

- Education: I have a bachelors in English and Fine Arts and I have my masters in Fine Arts.

- My Job: I'm off for the summer, but I teach during the school year. I've been bouncing around from place to place since I came back to California (getting a steady teaching job here is a pain in the ass). Luckily enough, I found a place with a private Arts program.

- My Family: I don't have any kids (thank goodness!) but I do have a live-in boyfriend and a dog which is...similar, I guess. His name is Avery and we've been together for eight thousand years. (Avery is the boyfriend, not the dog.) The dog is, I think, about 4 years old. He belonged to a friend, but I took him in when she couldn't keep him any longer. He's a shih tzu and his face is very unpleasant. (That's my dog, and not the boyfriend. The boyfriend's face is mildly pleasant and beardly for the summer.) I actually hate animals as pets but...eh, I got stuck with him and learned to love.

Speaking of pets, when I was younger, I had a pet hamster that died while I was away for the summer (my parents were taking care of him). Even the hamster annoyed me, to be honest. It was nocturnal (as I think a lot of hamsters are) and its wheel would squeak at night while I was trying to sleep. It drove my sister and I berserk. Also, no matter what kind of cage we got him, he would manage to sneak out. And I found putting together his rolling ball infuriating. I didn't even like touching him. Hamsters, man. Never again.

- Free Time: I do spend some free time here, but I spend most of my free time baking and building. I'm a huge fan of do-it-yourself projects. Lately, I've been making ottomans out of Ikea bed slats wood and last week I upholstered a chair I bought from Ikea for $20. I spent a good portion of yesterday trying to make this cake. My cake doesn't look as good, but it tastes delicious. It kind of reminds me of the cake the kid from Matilda was forced to eat.

- I always read in bed.

- I love eating street food.

- I sleep in late whenever possible.

- I check Tumblr neurotically.

- I own way too many water bottles (and I sleep at least two on my nightstand).

- When I was little, I cut my bangs off because it kept touching my face.

- I buy too much fabric and spend too much on crafts supply.

- When I turned 21, my sister and cousins took me out to some clubs in Manhattan. I got so drunk I thought my sister's friend was Kanye West. I freaked out when the diner we went to after put two onion rings on the side of my fries.

- I only wear shoes with rounded tops (I hate pointy toe shoes).

- Not a fan of grass.

- If it's hot, I'll only wear dresses.

- I accidentally stole a trumpet from middle school because I thought I returned it after the eighth grade graduation ceremony, but it's still in my mother's closet. (Also, I started off playing the baritone tube, but changed because I hated lugging it home.) No, I do not know how to play the trumpet. But I can play guitar. (I own a cheapy acoustic I got for Christmas one year.)

- In the summer, I take the last minutes of my shower in cold water.

- Most of the time, I sleep, literally, on top of Avery. Even if he's sleeping on his stomach, I'll sleep on his back. I dunn curr.

- In seventh grade, my period came during third period History, and a boy in my class thought I'd sad in some kind of juice. When I went to the nurse to deal with it, the nurse told me not to be embarrassed because she got her period at work once when she was wearing a white nurse's uniform. That did not make me feel any better.

- Sometimes I have issues with voice volume control - and I think it's because my mom's side of the family is always so loud.

- I hate going to nail and hair salons, so I usually do my hair and nails myself.

- I once slapped my sister so hard, she had a red handprint on her cheek. (It was accidental. We were playing fighting games as kids.)

- My first crush was on a boy named Kevin who wore his hair in a high-top and had a perfectly round face.

- I cracked my head open as a kid while playing in a laundry bin. It tipped over and I hit my head on an old radiator. Also, I have a two line scar on my thigh; when I was little, I sat on my cousins bed while she was ironing on the bed and the iron tipped over and got me.

- Sometimes Avery lets me cut his hair, even if I threaten to give him the Ragnar look.

- This Halloween I want to do a group costume as the gang from Arthur. I want to be Sue Ellen. (I have trouble differentiating costume from custom.)

- I drink 5000 cups of water a day.

- I love the beach, but I hate water parks.

- I get really cranky when I'm hungry. (Everyone on my mom's side of the family is pretty much the same. We're basically animals on Thanksgiving.)

- The one time I drank about six or so cups of coffee over a couple of hours and I was twitchy like a psycho rabbit as I cleaned my room (when I was dorm-ing).

- When I was about seven, we went to Disney world and my mom tricked me onto going on Space Mountain by saying it was just a space museum.

- I'm a big fan of biting.

- I have a Wii but I only use it for Netflix.

- I learned to swim in 10th grade when I got Swim for Gym.

- I'm super cheap.

- My all time favorite Mibba stories were a set of Panic at the Disco fanfictions.

I think that's it. If there's anything else you want to know, just ask!

Also, if you haven't read that book yet, you should. If you're going to read one book by Chuck Palahniuk, forego Fight Club and read Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey instead. It's eons better. Trust.

- Audrey (That's my name!)
July 28th, 2014 at 08:07pm