Twitter: How to Know Your Life Is a YA Novel

Well, I've decided to make another Mibba/Twitter crossover blog because I'm feeling sassy and I can't be bothered with actually making a Twitter. This time, the theme is young adult novels and how to know if your life is basically one. I call this one @HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel. Watch out, world. Here I come again.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: You're "not like other girls".

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: He's "not like other guys".

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: There are an awful lot of new people at your school this year, and they're all attracted to you. Strange...

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Why does everyone think you're so beautiful when you know how ugly you really are? They must all be crazy!

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Speaking of thinking you're ugly, you're also really clumsy too! Ugh, so many flaws!

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Somewhere in your life there exists a nerd/bad boy. You know you can change him.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Your parents have arranged your marriage to a handsome bad boy. And it has nothing to do with their beliefs or culture.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Someone, at some point in your life, has called you "the chosen one", and you completely reject the idea.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: You haven't been called "the chosen one", but deep down, you know that you are.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Where are your parents? Oh, that's right. They're missing/absent/drunk/dead. I almost forgot.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: You have a ditzy friend. And a smart friend. And a rebel friend. And, hey, wait, all of your friends are stereotypes, aren't they?

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Someone is always smirking at you for some reason or another.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: You have a skill that really comes in handy at times, despite the fact that you have no reason for having it.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Your lip is raw from how much you bite it.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Your life couldn't fit in just one book. Your story is better told through... a trilogy.

@HowToKnowIfYourLifeIsAYoungAdultNovel: Remember that time you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding? Yeah, me too.
July 30th, 2014 at 05:13am