I'm Back~ Life Update~Anyone Have Any Story Recommendations?

So, it feels like forever since I've written anything or posted. Life has been busy the past couple of weeks. I've had a few interviews, which I think went okay, so fingers crossed I'll be employed soon! There's one job I really want, which I have yet to hear back from, but I'm really hoping I get it. It's working with children again, and I'm strangely excited to get back into work. I'm looking forward to having a routine again!

I also had a wonderful time in London. I went for five days, and it was absolutely amazing. We got so much fitted in in five days! I went to see a West End show (Once- based on a Irish film of the same name- watch it if you can, it's such a good film). I got to visit Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Madame Tuassaud, Westminster Abbey and did a ghost bus and a Jack the Ripper tour. I'm still freaking exhausted from all the walking around we did, but it was so worth it. I even got chatting to a nice guy in a bar, who apparently loved my 'Irish spirit' after listening to me prattle on about Irish history for an hour! He also told me not to underestimate myself, which I think is one of the nicest things a guy has ever said to me. (This is the part where I cry 'why can't I find a guy like that back home?'). I think I fell in love with London when I was there, and I really wanna go back already.

So, to all the people who read my stories, I'm sorry for my lack of updating. I'm writing again now, so hopefully I'll update tonight or tomorrow.

Also, I'm looking for stuff to read. I'll read anything, so if you have a story to recommend,or you want me to read and comment on something, just leave a comment!

Well, that's all guys!
July 30th, 2014 at 06:35pm