up and off my fingers onto th4e keyboard and THRUST onto the internet.

hello there internet preditors and other [GENDER OR REGULAR]confused individuals

my name as you mite not now is migzii.
at the moment i feel like typing thoughts onto the internet.

lets see
things seem to be doing alright ii guess. errr i joined the DRUMLINE lmao i am now a bandgeek wooohhh

therefore. ii can now sae "this one time at band camp"

it was meee birthdae like last tuesedae woooh sexxteeen ! twasnt baad infact but still life is still shit

the less i think of her the less it hurts ive found out .its just not as easy as you think it is i mean grrr shes soo confusing ii want to bee angry at her so much i just want to sae FUCK YOU but i cant cos i know i cant be angry at her theres no reason for me to be ahh shit ..

ive said all i can sae .

March 31st, 2007 at 02:46am