Norman Reedus Marathon

Blade 2
Boondock Saints
Boondock Saints 2
Hello Herman
Walking Dead

I didn't plan on a Norman was not my intention whatsoever. I just happened upon Blade 2 last night and decided "aw, what the hell," and I ended up falling madly in love with Scud, like some of the shit this character said just got me head over heels in love. I was pissed at one point and I'm not going to ruin it for those who have yet to see it. It's so cheesy in my opinion, just because it was made back in the early 2000's. BUT, I found it nonetheless interesting. I about died when I said Rob Perlman playing a vampire, though.


I then decided that "well, I've been watching Norman's face for two hours, let's just keep it going," and turned on Boondock Saints....I love this movie, I really do. I had seen it a long time before this obsession had started and loved it then. It's crazy how you don't but two and two together until you're reminded. But, I can quote this movie up and's quite pathetic but hey, everyone has that one movie they can quote to the point of looking at you like there's something wrong with you, yeah? I've got a few of those.


Apparently, my obsession with looking at his face didn't end there, I then proceeded to fish through my bookshelf of DVD's for the second one, finally finding it, I popped it in my laptop and sat on my bed eating popcorn, laughing to myself and drooling. Tisk, I literally have no life. I'm pretty sure it would have gone on longer if I had access to more of his films.......


Because you'd think that after like five hours of his face, I'd get sick of it, um, no. It's safe to say that I went to bed at or around 4 am........So now I'm faced with this undying burn of Norman feels. It's so bad right now, I'm drowning in these feels. I totally advise you to take part in a Norman Reedus Marathon.


It also adds to my overflow of feels that I spent the beginning of my wake period watching the interview with Rob Kirkman, Andrew Lincoln, and Norman. AGH. He's truly an amazing actor, I mean even though I knew it was the same person, it was just cool to sit there and watch the same face play different characters and appreciating his talent.

August 4th, 2014 at 09:00pm