I Don't Blog Anything but Surveys

So yeah, there's a survey in the forums that I decided to answer handwritten rather than typed, since I found a neat brush setting on SAI.

1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you? When is your birthday?
3. Where are you from?
4. Do you know a second language? How did you learn it?
5. Are you a writer or a reader?
6. Are you on any social networking/blogging sites? Which one is your favorite?
7. How many siblings do you have? What are they like?
8. Do you have any pets? What are their names?
9. What's your dream career?
10. How tall are you?
11. What color is your hair? Your eyes?
12. Do you have any tattoos or body piercings? Would you like to get one?
13. Do you have good handwriting? (Bonus: Write something on a piece of paper and show it to us.)
14. If you chose your own name, would would you have chosen?
15. Do you believe in ghosts (or anything else supernatural)?
16. If you had to read one book over and over again until the end of time, what would it be?
Some updates. I've been making more music lately, so maybe I'll blog about that soon. I figured out Ableton Live 9 and've been working with that some, but audioSauna seems still more reliable and easy so that's my main tool. I also found a hell of a lot more really good music by C418 and iamsleepless, they're both just so good. Give them both a look!! <3
August 6th, 2014 at 08:46pm