Finish the Sentence Tag

Now I'm not only a part of the Mag staff, I'm an article editor! It's going to be fun to balance both and have something new to mix it up, I like change like that.

Also, I'm doing this survey now because I can and I felt like copy/pasting something from someone, and that someone happened to be Katie Mosing. Aye (Y)

1.My grandpa once:
got told he only had 3 more years to live with his new pacemaker, he's on his 27th year now.

2.Never in my life have I:
had a real boyfriend. wut.

3. When I was younger, I:
used to jump on our coffeetable with a carrot in my mouth and pretend I was a rabbit.

4.High school was:

5.When I'm nervous:
I bite my lip, pace or shake my right foot, like I'm a human milkshaker.

6.The last time I really cried was:
a time I cannot remember.

7.If I were to get married right now:
I would marry Niall Horan, with or without his consent.

8.My hair is:
evil, never looks good when I need it to.

9.My feet are:
wide, I can only wear unisex shoes like Vans.

10.When I was 5:
I existed.

11.Last Christmas:
was the best Christmas so far because of my nephew.

12.When I turn my head left:
I turn my head to the left and see messy, WW3 resembling things going on huuurrr.

13.When I turn my head right:
a waterbottle.

14.My life is not complete without:
my family or music.

15.By this time next year:
I'll be waiting to start my second year in university and hopefully be partying.

16.I have a hard time understanding:

17.One time at a family gathering:
I got tricked into thinking the TV was a touchscreen one, it wasn't...

18.Take my advice:
and think before you speak or do shit you might regret.

19.My ideal breakfast is:
berries and fruit.

20.If you visit my hometown:
you'll freeze..

21.My friends are:
faaar away.

22.If you spend the night at my house:
you will be bored, because I will sleep and hog the blankets.

23.I would stop my wedding if:
if it didn't feel right in my gut.

24.The world could do without:

25.I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
meet Justin Bieber.

26.The most recent thing I've bought myself is:

27.And, by the way:
i love them.

28.My Birthday:
is September 11th, the day of doom.

29.In the past I shouldn't have been:
a person that dwells on things, it has set me back so much.

30.Once, at a bar/club:
I accidentally kneed a guy.

31.Last night, I:
was working.

32.If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow:
I would sleep forever yet wake up at 8 am so I'd have all day to do shit.

33.A better name for me would be:

34.In the last 6 months:
I graduated, worked and had fun.

35.If I ever go back to school:
I will try my hardest.... since I start uni in less than a month haha.

36.I bet you didn't know:
I speak 3,5 languages but I read 5.

37.I am:

38.I read:
only Mibba stories and biographies by musicians I like.

39.I regret:
not standing up for myself more.

40. Tag three people to take this survey:
Charlie Hunnam
nearly witches.
August 6th, 2014 at 11:29pm